Author Topic: Example of using more Ram  (Read 9274 times)


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Example of using more Ram
« on: May 10, 2005, 07:02:28 am »
Do you have an example of using more ram. Using the 89C51ED2 in the MINI-MAX/51-D, I get errors of runnning out of ram when I\'ve used <100 bytes of the 2K.


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Re: Example of using more Ram
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 01:52:06 pm »
#include <8051io.h>
#define OFFSET      0x300
struct _header
     unsigned char byte;
     unsigned int  word;

unsigned char GetExpandData( unsigned int address)
           MOV A,#-3
           ADD      A,SP            Adjust for stack offset
           XCH      A,R0            
           MOV DPL,[R0]
           INC R0
           MOV DPH,[R0]
           MOVX A,@DPTR
void SetExpandData( unsigned int address,unsigned char data )
           MOV A,#-5
           ADD      A,SP            Adjust for stack offset
           XCH      A,R0            And restore order
           MOV DPL,[R0]
           INC R0
           MOV DPH,[R0]      
           INC R0
           MOV      A,[R0]
           MOVX @DPTR,A
register unsigned int G_offSet;
void memset (register unsigned char* dest,
                             register unsigned char* source,
                                   unsigned int  len)
     unsigned int address;
     unsigned char ndx;
     address = dest + G_offSet;
     for (ndx =0 ; ndx < len; ndx++)
void memget (register unsigned char* dest,
                             register unsigned char* source,
                                   unsigned int  len)
     unsigned int address;
     unsigned char ndx;
     address = source + G_offSet;
     for (ndx =0 ; ndx < len; ndx++)
           *dest++ = GetExpandData(address++);

void main()
     unsigned int address;
     unsigned char dataByte;
     unsigned int  dataWord;
     struct _header *pt;
           MOV 8EH,#0CH       ; Enable Expanded memory
; Clear all locations of expanded memory      
           MOV DPTR,#0
           CLR      A
           MOVX @DPTR,A
           INC      DPTR
           MOV      A,DPH      
           JNB      ACC.2,NEXT                  
     pt =0;
     G_offSet = OFFSET;      // set offset inside of Expanded memory
     dataByte = 0xA5;
     dataWord = 0x1234;
     memset(&pt->byte,&dataByte,sizeof(pt->byte)); // write byte
     memset(&pt->word,&dataWord,sizeof(pt->word)); // write word      
     dataByte = 0x00;
     dataWord = 0x0000;
     memget(&dataByte,&pt->byte,sizeof(pt->byte));  // read byte
     memget(&dataWord,&pt->word,sizeof(pt->word));  // read word
     printf("\\ndataByte = %02x ",dataByte);
     printf("\\ndataWord = %04x ",dataWord);

     for(address= 0; address < 0x400; address++)
           if(!(address % 16))
                 printf("\\n%04x ",address);
           printf("%02x ",GetExpandData(address));


Don Lunn

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Re: Example of using more Ram
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 03:04:39 pm »
Now if this was in basic, It would really be good. Thanks