Micro-IDE Revision History


Revision: 2.54 [12 November 2020]

Find/Replace window can be resized now.
Options changes confirmation dialog can be disabled.
Added Preset Values for Terminal.
Fixed minor bugs.

Revision: 2.50

Added new startup dialog.
Improved error handling for ARM development system.
Improved Loader Options tab. Added Extra Parameters section for new loaders.
Fixed few minor bugs.

Revision: 2.22

Fixed few minor bugs.

Revision: 2.21

New examples, new library functions, added math examples and LCD and I2C library functions to SDCC.
Enabled floating point printf in SDCC.
Improved serial port operation.
Autodetect of microcontroller type in Micro C CStartup; now MINI-MAX/51-F board can work with all the examples.
Added built-in downloader for MINI-MAX/51-F. No need for external TI downloader any more.
Added Build number to Micro-IDE. This appears under Help->About.
The change to a project was not being saved after user had removed a file. Fixed.
Memory window was not starting to display from exact specified address in simulators. Fixed.

Revision: 2.20

New examples, improvements to help, new library functions

Revision: 2.19

More C examples, C++ file extension support

Revision: 2.18a

Added tabs interface. Now you can open several source files at the same time and switch them with tabs.
Fixed "Assembler/Compiler error" in Windows Vista Operation System for all Micro C development systems.
Added new C Multipack Development System which includes all Micro C development systems, ARM Development System and SDCC Development System.

Revision: 2.17a

Micro-IDE is now free :)

Revision: 2.16l

Added capability to launch a project from command line and build it automatically

Revision: 2.16k

Increased demo limit from 500 lines to 1000 lines.
Support for simulator plug-ins
C header (.h) files are now supported when adding files to project.

STM Development System

Revision: 2.54

Added new examples.
Improved STM32 / STM32F7 Loaders.

ARM Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.50

Added new examples.
Added new loaders: MINI-MAX/ARM ISP Loader and STM32 Loader

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples.
Added command line downloader.
Added new examples.

Revision: 2.17a

Includes BiPOM Graphics Library (GL) for OLED Displays

AVR Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.52

Added new example DIO-1.
Added simple project templates.
Fixed problem with Soft I2C library.
Added drivers for UART2 and UART3 to BiPOM Library.

Revision: 2.51

Released first version of AVR Development System

8051 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples.
Added built-in downloader for MINI-MAX/51-F. Added command line downloader.
Added new examples and updated existing ones.

Revision: 2.16l

Fixed 8051 disassembler, upgraded to dk52.

Revision: 2.16k

Added source and project example for FAT16
Rearranged folders under bipomlib
Added I2C Repair and I2C ReadSDA to medium I2C library
Added BOOL, TRUE, FALSE definitions to types.h
Changed all examples to use 8052 instead of 8051 for simulation for 256 byte RAM support
Improved MINI-MAX/51-C Debugger so the user program is not downloaded to board every time if there is no change.
Fixed a crash problem with mapide

68HC08 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples

6809 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples

6811 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples

6812 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples

6816 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples

8096 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples

BASCOM-51 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples
Added command line downloader


Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.16m

Added loaders for STK500, AVR ISP, KITSRUS K122, Lawicel StAVeR, MCS Bootloader, PG302.
These launch stk500.exe from ATMEL AVR Studio.

Revision: 2.16k

Included latest BASCOM-AVR Compiler from MCS Electronics in the release
Improved and corrected examples

MC Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Updated examples.
Added prebuilt HEX files to all examples.
Added command line downloader.

Revision: 2.16k

Changed MPLAB default path to the latest Microchip install path
Added MPLAB example for ICD2 Debugging

SDCC 8051 Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Upgraded to SDCC 2.9.0.
Added SDCC Assembler Toolkit.
Added prebuilt IHX files to all examples.
Updated utilities to generate LIB files.
Added MINI-MAX/51-F Examples.
Added built-in downloader for MINI-MAX/51-F.
Added command line downloader.
Updated library functions.
Added new examples, updated old examples.

Revision: 2.16l

Upgraded to SDCC 2.5.0.

MSP Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.50

Added I2C support.
Fixed RTC issue.

Revision: 2.22

Added prebuilt A43 files to all examples.
Added built-in downloader for MINI-MAX/MSP430-C.
Added command line downloader.
Added support for new compiler with support FAR call for functions.
Added new example.

Multipack C Development System

Revision: 2.54

Updated Micro-IDE to revision 2.54.

Revision: 2.22

Includes all changes what was done for all Micro C Development Systems and also for ARM and SDCC Development Systems.